I was entering the (quite shy!) children in Galway as part of the Camp Claddagh Chernobyl’s Children Project in the Rowing Club, Woodquay on Saturday. The were great craic, and I’d enough pidgen Russian after a few goes to make them laugh- the Russian for goodbye bears an uncanny resemblance to a clucking chicken for instance. At least to my monoglot ears!
They were great kids, constantly smiling, but at the same time the conditions they live in are appalling. I heard stories on Saturday that shook me. What the host families in Galway and around Ireland offer these children is a boost to their immune systems that adds years to their lives.
Camp Claddagh are looking for host families right now, if you’re interested you can contact Camp Claddagh.
TO MAKE A DONATION: AIB Acct no 23453-032
Sort code 93-72-23
IBAN: IE43 AIBK 9372 2323 4530 32