Dublin GPO 1916 and Cars!

GPO Dublin 1916 caricature drawing bride and groom
This caricature was for a wedding signing board last year. The groom is a big history buff, especially around 1916 and the GPO, so the GPO featured in the background! I don’t think I’ve drawn the GPO before in one of my caricatures. This A3 colour caricature was mounted on A1 board and displayed at the drinks reception of the wedding. The wedding guests signed their names and best wishes around the outside of the drawing. These signing boards are a wonderful keepsake for a wedding and I’d be delighted to hear from you if you’re looking for an unusual alternative to a wedding guestbook. They can be customised any way you like, I can include pets, hobbies, careers, children, and historical buildings! If you’d like to contact me just leave a comment below. You can also email me or Whatsapp me from the menu above.

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