New Northern Ireland Secretary Brandon Lewis’s First Day on the Job…

Description: Brandon Lewis Northern Ireland Secretary is seated at his desk looking at papers. Two civil servants stand beside him with amused looks on their faces. Lewis says I just can't get my head around how Stormont works. A civil servant replies Yes Minister, it is quite d'Hondting.
Cartoon: New Northern Ireland Secretary Brandon Lewis’s First Day on the Job. From a gag by Courtney Darby. This cartoon had been percolating for quite a while and I had the time to draw it last night. Yes the civil servants might be loosely based on some famous fictional civil servants. Lewis actually has a fantastic face for caricature with those bulbous eyes and that spikey square-topped hair that looks like a hedgehog had an accident with a set square. Hopefully he’s more knowledgeable than his predecessor’s predecessor (Karen Bradley admits ignorance of Northern Ireland politics. The Northern Ireland secretary says she was ‘slightly scared’ of the region before taking office…) (The Guardian)

Brandon Lewis named new Northern Ireland secretary in UK cabinet reshuffle (Irish Times)

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