Cancel the Date/Postpone the Date Wedding e-Cards for Weddings Affected by Covid-19

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Cancel the date cards: I’ve had quite a few enquiries from couples having to cancel their current wedding date and postpone their wedding to a new date, looking for a caricature of them in face masks to put on the cancel the date cards! They’ve all said that while they’re disappointed they’ve had to cancel the date they want to keep a positive and tongue-in-cheek approach to delivering the news to their guests. To this end they have requested caricatures of them in their wedding attire but wearing COVID-19-busting face masks. Now on the one hand this was one of my big worries as a caricature artist (as you can see in the cartoon below!) Obviously I’ve seen all of my wedding bookings for live caricatures for several months of 2020 disappear (but all going well I’ll be on the road again to entertain at almost all the new dates in 2021) so I completely commiserate with every couple having to make these arrangements. But on the other hand, and in the interests of keeping the spirits up, I’m now offering Caricature Cancel the Date e-Cards!

caricature artist nightmare

Cancel the Date/Postpone the Date e-Cards – €75

If your wedding date has been affected by COVID-19 and you’re having to let your guests know your plans and/or your new date the quickest and easiest way is via an e-Card. I’m now offering a Cancel the Date/Postpone the Date e-Card at the special price of €75. I can offer these cards at this reduced rate (digital caricature art for wedding invitations is normally €150) because the couple is masked, and I’m only having to get the likeness from the cheeks up! Even better, it doesn’t matter where you are in the world, because I can email it to you!

For €75 you will get a high resolution e-card with your face mask wearing caricatures, your cancelled date, new date, and a short message, similar to the image you see above. You can then email this to all your wedding guests, post it to your wedding website, or share it on Facebook and tag all the guests who have an account there. It’s a great fun way of disseminating the news that the wedding is postponed, but you’re in good spirits and looking forward to spending a later, greater date with your family and friends!

To order just click the Add to Cart button below or at the top of this blog post. Your checkout cart will then appear. Once you check out you will be taken to Paypal where you can pay using your own Paypal account or simply pay by card. I will then contact you by email for photos and the details you’d like included in your Cancel the Date/Postpone the Date e-Card.

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