Galway Outer Bypass Map/ Ring Road Google Earth Overlay Map

Galway Bypass Map: I’ve created a downloadable zoomable .kmz file so you can view the proposed Galway Outer Bypass replacement, the Galway City Ring Road, on Google Earth. Download Google Earth for your computer here. Then download the Galway Outer Bypass map here. The map on the official site is a 17MB PDF that is next to impossible to explore in a browser, and you can’t get an idea of the before and after aspect of the development. In Google Earth you just import the file and you can turn the layer on and off. Somewhere in the region of 50 homes will be destroyed by this project in its current form. Deadline for objections to An Bord Pleanala is the 21st December 2018, so very soon. There is a petition against this route here.

galway outer bypass google earth

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