Shamrock Lodge Wedding Fair Monday 1st May 2023 12pm-3pm

Shamrock Lodge Hotel Wedding Fair 1st May 2023

I will be appearing Monday 1st May at the 2023 Shamrock Lodge Hotel Wedding Fair. Come and meet the hotel and suppliers while having a glass of bubbly. I will be drawing complementary caricatures on the day, so it’s a good opportunity to see what a wedding caricaturist can do to bring extra fun to your big day!

I told you it was a dangerous job: Gardai arrest 7 in cartoonist murder plot

(My take on the Jyllands-Posten controversy, from back in the days when I used excessive labelling in my cartoons). Gardaí have arrested five people in Waterford and two others in Cork in connection with an investigation into a conspiracy to murder a Swedish cartoonist. The cartoonist, Lars Vilks, has been threatened over his drawing depicting … Read more