Don’t worry though, Leo the Leak will be back centre-stage next week with Sinn Fein’s motion of no confidence.
Charlie Adley’s Double Vision – We Can’t Tell the ‘Woulds’ from the ‘Please’!
“Recently we’ve seen an increase in flabby disingenuous apologies, designed to appear sincere while distancing the perpetrator from the crime.”
Trump’s eyes look like little Trumps.
Yes it’s disturbing but there’s something about Trump’s weird colouration that makes his eyes look like little Trumps.
#GE11 Guest Post: Some notes on producing animated Cutbacks!
This is a guest post by DT Finn, who’s doing some brilliant stopmotion satire on his YouTube channel. I asked him to explain a little about the process of making the clips. I started Cutbacks almost two years ago, furious at what was happening with Lisbon and with Mister Cowen’s government. The stopmotion characters are … Read more