Huff Post doesn’t get caricatures

huffington-postThe Huffington Post ran an article today entitled “Street Portraits Gone Wrong: The Funniest Caricature Drawings Ever”. One of my caricatures is included, and readers are invited to vote on which one is the most “WTF”, which is what I asked myself when I read it.

‘When you go a street fair, a carnival, or even a wedding, there’s a good chance you’ll run into a caricature artist. These expert cartoonists can sketch a funny version of you in under 15 minutes, but they don’t always get it right. Sometimes you come out looking like a horse or a disgruntled, overweight woman (when you’re really a 10-year-old girl). Check out the bizarre caricature drawings we found, ranging from the good, the bad, and the ugly (mostly ugly) and vote for the one with the most “WTF?!”‘

With the exception of two the caricatures are actually very good, and it seems to have confused the readers too judging by some of the comments! Still, it’s all publicity!

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