Cherry Tomato Bridge – Friday Cartoon

Cherry Tomato Bridge: Dublin City Council has probably cleaned by it now (you can’t be having fun in a public space. You’re not spending any money. Fun must be monetised at all times!) but the internet/real-life phenomenon that was the Cherry Tomato Bridge will live on in our hearts, minds, and as a place you can leave reviews for on Google Maps. Imagine Pokemon Go, but for small red fruits in one very small area. It is a testimony to the spontaneity of people’s imaginations once there’s a collective nugget to grasp on to, and people got creative: there were even framed photos of anthropomorphic tomatoes. If you want an explanation of the cartoon above click here, but first promise me you’ve had a good think about it first.

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I’m Allan Cavanagh and I have been professionally producing caricatures and cartoon art for over 20 years.

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Cherry tomato bridge dublin cartoon
“The song structure in pop music consists of different parts that act as building blocks for creating a captivating and catchy song. One such part of a song is the bridge. A song bridge that creates contrast by stripping down the song’s instrumentation can be found in Bill Withers’ song Ain’t No Sunshine. The song lyrics during the bridge consist of Bill repeating the phrase “I know” while only the drums play in the background. After the bridge is over, the other instruments return to accompany the vocals and drums.” Bridge: a transition between the parts of a song.

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