Golf Safety Cartoon for Kids

Golf safety cartoon: this is a golf safety cartoon I did for the Confederation of Golf in Ireland last year. It’s aimed at their junior players and tells them how to look after themselves while playing golf in the summer, such as applying sunscreen even on cloudy days, and staying hydrated. The cartoon is brightly coloured to be eye-catching for children.
The text reads:
BOX 1: “Clouds don’t offer complete protection from sun exposure. Up to 80% of the sun’s rays can penetrate clouds, so be sure to apply sunscreen.”
BOX 2: “It takes up to 30 minutes after applying sunscreen for the active ingredients to enter your skin. Sunscreen should be reapplied every 2 hours, or after sweating or toweling off.”
BOX 3: “Wearing a high SPF sunscreen does not mean you are completely protected against the sun. For good coverage, seek out shade as well as sunscreen and protective clothing.”
The 2 children are depicted standing in the shade of a tree on the golf course while drinking water and reapplying their sunscreen. The water and sunscreen bottles are placed obviously in the children’s golf bags.
As with all my information or safety cartoons the “script”, the layout and the details are agreed over the development stage. The client initially gives me a broad brief of what they’re looking for, we then go through a series of pencil roughs until the client is happy with how the cartoon delivers the message (in this case sun safety for kids on the golf course). If you need cartoon artwork for safety posters or booklets for your golf club or other sporting club, or any other sort of organisation, just drop me a line!
I’m caricature artist and cartoonist Allan Cavanagh and I’ve been designing health and safety cartoons with various clients all over Ireland for over 20 years!

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golf sun safety cartoon for kids

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