“He Called Out For His Mother” and “We Need To Look After Our Own First”

we need to look after our own first anti racism cartoon optimised
I just keep thinking about that moment this man knew he was going to die and called out for his mother. What cradled child today will be the victim of a racist police force in a few years?
You can and should donate to the Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland here. Ireland is institutionally racist. We have been incarcerating people in the Direct Provision system for 20 years, a system that has grown into massive for-profit industry that’s literally trading on human suffering. MASI are activists directly affected by this system of enforced impoverishment and are campaigning hard and relentlessly to end this abhorrent, inhumane system.
If you’re horrified by the murder of George Floyd and the ensuing police brutality in the United States and want to help there, these organisations are seeking donations (sourced here).

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