When it comes to Star Wars, I fall so hard into the “prequels never happened, Special Editions never happened” camp I actually scuff my knees and elbows and burn my chin on the campfire. They’re appalling, I think we can all agree. But there’s been something bugging me about those Trade Federation ships ever since seeing The Pooping Menage or whatever it was called, that I could never quite put my finger on.
Last night it hit me.
George Lucas even ripped off SuperTed.
Yeah. Hoops pushed along with sticks were deadly, too.
You mean
The Lolo Ball.
Dammit. There was a super special bouncy toy thing that had a ring around it for balancing on. I can’t remember the name (though clearly it wasn’t Space Hopper). In fairness, I was, like, five at the time.
Not seeing it Sweary.
Yeah? Well, SuperTed ripped off the Space Hopper.