“I’ll just say my secret magic word. Which is Midi-chlorians”

When it comes to Star Wars, I fall so hard into the “prequels never happened, Special Editions never happened” camp I actually scuff my knees and elbows and burn my chin on the campfire. They’re appalling, I think we can all agree. But there’s been something bugging me about those Trade Federation ships ever since seeing The Pooping Menage or whatever it was called, that I could never quite put my finger on.

Last night it hit me.


George Lucas even ripped off SuperTed.

5 thoughts on ““I’ll just say my secret magic word. Which is Midi-chlorians””

  1. Dammit. There was a super special bouncy toy thing that had a ring around it for balancing on. I can’t remember the name (though clearly it wasn’t Space Hopper). In fairness, I was, like, five at the time.

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