Music Themed Wedding Signing Board!

Music Themed Wedding Signing Board: This music-themed wedding caricature was for a signing board for a Tipperary wedding last year.I loved the matching suits! The groom has his trusty guitar (and a fine beard!) and the bride has her sheet music and is standing in front of her piano. The couple’s children are with them in matching suits, which I loved! I also enjoyed getting the intricate pattern of the wedding dress included.

My canvas signing boards are sent directly to your wedding reception venue, with free delivery all over Ireland, with display instructions and pens. Most venues will have an easel or other type of display that the wedding caricature signing board can be displayed on. It will be on show for when your guests arrive at your drinks reception and over the course of the reception your guests will be able to sign their best wishes on it. It’s a great alternative to the usual guestbook as you can see all your messages and memories at once. The wedding caricature sets a fun tone for your guests messages so you can expect anything from a haiku to a few drawings of their own! Guests of all ages love to see my caricatures and they great a great laugh when guests first see them. You can have as many details as you like from musical themes, to job references, to sports and hobbies, to pets, to favourite holiday destinations or honeymoon location, or signposts with your home towns or counties. The list is up to you!

You can see many more examples of my wedding signing board caricatures here.

I also drew my live caricatures at this wedding and had a blast with the wedding guests as you can see from this live wedding caricatures in Raheen House post.

If you’d like to order a wedding caricature signing board click here.

If you’d like more details of what’s involved, click here to contact me, caricature artist Allan Cavanagh.
music themed wedding caricature signing board

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