Table Quiz for some kickass theatre!


A friend of mine, Aine Rynne, is a founder member of Bluepatch Productions, and they’re doing Portia Coughlan by the mighty Marina Carr next month. They’re having a table quiz in the Ha’Penny Bridge Inn on the 26th January at 7.30pm to raise funds:

“Come along and support our fundraiser for Bluepatch’s production of Portia Coughlin, which will run from the 3rd-7th of February at The New Theatre on East Essex Street, Temple Bar.

The night will be fun filled with loads of fabulous spot prizes. There will be teams of 4/5 each competing to be crowned The Bluepatch Stars !! Live Music is by very popular and talented group; The Sick and Indigent Song Club!! James Fanning will entertain with his stand up style of cheeky wit and humorous storytelling. Altogether a nite not to be missed!!

Please tell all your friends and help us raise money for Bluepatch’s debut production in The New Theatre! We value your support and look forward to a night of fun and games.

Charge is Ten Euro a head!”

Should be a good night, so if you’re a table quiz fiend, grab your fiendish mates and head over to the Ha’penny. Theatre is a good cause.

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