The Adventures of Klaus the Woodlouse

It’s a parable innit.
The kid’s been hanging out in the garden every day. He’s made friends with all the woodlice, sitting for hours (which is days in baby time) watching them slowly woodlouse about the place, letting them crawl over his hands, gently placing them down in the mud again, shouting “wood-LOUSE!” at them in an acknowledgement of their importance to him. We’ve called one of them Klaus. Klaus the Woodlouse. We’re not sure which one he is any more but he’s definitely out there, in our garden, or possibly a neighbour’s. It’s a tag-team name really, whichever one is visible, that’s Klaus. Anyway woodlice are eminently sensible, rolling up into a ball if someone they’re not isolating with comes near them. Be like Klaus.

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