Langer of the Month: Celia Larkin & Robin O’Sullivan

Eddie Hobbes Caricature, Celia Larkin Caricature, Robin O'Sullivan Caricature
This month’s Langer of the Month in The Corkonian is a combined Celia Larkin and Robin O’Sullivan. You’ll of course know Celia from her expertise on consumer affairs, as she’s bought a lot of expensive handbags. Fortunately this handbag cost has been defrayed by the generousity of the National Consumer Agency which paid out €13,184 to her for straining herself to attend five meetings in 2009. She also claimed €923 for soup and sandwiches.
Robin O’Sullivan is a former Cork Chamber of Commerce president and got €13,184 for attending 6 meetings of the NCA in 2009. He got €902 for soup and sandwiches. The size of his handbag collection remains a mystery.
Eddie Hobbs famously resigned from the NCA in protest at Hermes Larkin’s appointment. He got €5,834 in fees but didn’t claim for soup and sandwiches. The National Consumer Agency. Keeping Irish consumers safe from ripoffs. Now, what’s this over here? Electricity levy? What? CEELLLLIAAAAAA!!!!!

The August issue of The Corkonian is now on sale, price €2.

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