Langer of the Month: Celia Larkin & Robin O’Sullivan

This month’s Langer of the Month in The Corkonian is a combined Celia Larkin and Robin O’Sullivan. You’ll of course know Celia from her expertise on consumer affairs, as she’s bought a lot of expensive handbags. Fortunately this handbag cost has been defrayed by the generousity of the National Consumer Agency which paid out €13,184 … Read more

Ivor Callely cartoon in The Corkonian

I’m contributing cartoons to Cork publication The Corkonian’s new feature Langer of the Month. The first recipient of the honour is expenses leech Ivor Callely, who has had the Fianna Fail party whip removed (wooo!). Ivor’s been claiming travel expenses from Cork even though he lives in Dublin, and like the good gravy guzzler he … Read more