Sometimes there’s a back button on your life: my first paid gig for Eagle comic, circa 1987 (aged 12)

Fústar’s recent ruminations over some of the dodgier corners of the Eagle’s letters page reminded me that I had a drawing printed in said comic (of Comrade Bronski), which was such big news for Eighties-era Greencastle it made the local notes in the Derry Journal. Being the incredible curator of cultural waste that he is, Fústar only went off and found my drawing in the issue in question!
Monday 20th June, 1987 (No. 274). I got 3 Sterling Pounds. I was twelve years old. My massive collection of Eagles is no longer with us unfortunately – my parents for some reason moved them out of the house into a damp shed when I left for college, and that shed is no longer with us either.
Thanks again Fústar.

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