My take on the Irish state’s infuriating reluctance to even try #ZeroCovid. It simply means getting the number of cases down to a traceable and controllable amount while restricting international travel with quarantine measures. Other countries are doing it and can move about, go to work, continue their educations, avail of services, see friends, go to gigs, all that stuff we’re denied. There’s an effort to divide and conquer on this simple message by talking about hotel quarantine being “detention” and travel restrictions not being a “magic bullet”. No one is saying they are, we know they’re measures to be taken as part of an overall plan of suppressing infections. How the Government can keep on saying we have to continue a cycle of boom and bust infections with lockdowns and 5km limits is beyond me.
You can find out more about the Zero Covid approach at We Can Be Zero
Academic thesis cartoon
A recently completed commission for inclusion in a thesis.