How do we know T-Rexes didn’t do this?

Did T Rex Hop Like A Kangaroo?

This cartoon was pretty much written by my 2-year-old. He was watching a nature documentary with kangaroos and said “kangaroo” and then “dinosaur?” and we had to admit he sort of had a point. The next time I watch Jurassic Park I’m going to squint and pretend the tyrannosaurus rexes are lepping about like kangaroos. … Read more

Wedding Invitation Caricature Art!

wedding invitation caricature ireland Caricature Wedding Invitation Art
Wedding Invitation Caricature Art: this caricature appeared on the wedding invitations for this couple. The groom-to-be is a member of the Irish Defence Forces hence the attire and prop! If you’re interested in caricature art for your wedding invitations please drop me a line!