Telling new stories with creative technologies


Last week I attended a workshop in University of Galway on storytelling and the use of new technologies in telling new stories (via Urban Lab Galway and their European partners). As a self-employed artist, I don’t get to attend many things or network so I was delighted to be able to take part in this workshop.

CÚRAM Art/Science Residency Galway – €10,000

There’s an excellent opportunity for artists wanting to or working around science themes in Galway. CÚRAM is a biomedical research centre in Galway, and has announced an artist’s residency worth €10,000.

Since 2015, CÚRAM, the Science Foundation Ireland funded Centre for Research in Medical Devices based at NUI Galway, has hosted artist residencies in its laboratories.

In partnership with the Galway City Arts Office, we are now inviting proposals from artists who are interested in working as part of CÚRAM’s public engagement programme, which supports Science Foundation Ireland’s objective of ‘having the most scientifically informed and engaged public’.

We invite artists to propose ideas for an ambitious and contemporary permanent artwork in Galway’s Eastside community in Ballybane and Doughiska. The budget for this project is €10,000.

The artist will work with one of the following three themes:
• Cardiovascular research – Researcher: Professor William Wijns
• Soft and hard tissue regeneration – Researcher: Dr Dimitrios Zeugolis
• Biomaterials and the body – Researcher – Dr Manus Biggs

The chosen artist will work within the CÚRAM laboratories to learn about CÚRAM’s research and will then spend a period of time working with the Eastside community to realise the project. The artist will be required to undergo Garda vetting.

Time is short on getting a proposal submitted in time for 5pm, June 21st. Interested artists should make submissions to No submissions will be accepted after this date, so interested artists should get working on proposals ASAP!

via June 2019 – CÚRAM

Inquisitive Hares – Donnacha Cahill Exhibition in NUI Galway

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Inquisitive Hares – Donnacha Cahill Exhibition

Inquisitive Hares is the title of this exhibition by the Athenry artist Donnacha Cahill, and which is running in the O’Donoghue Centre for Drama Theatre and Performance, NUI Galway.

The exhibition will run until the 18th May 2019. It is open 12-6pm.

via – What are those Inquisitive Hares up to now?

Free Caricatures 12-3pm in Kingfisher Gym NUIG Tomorrow 19th September 2018!

I’ll be drawing caricatures in NUIG’s Kingfisher Gym tomorrow 19th September from 12 midday until 3pm. If you’re passing come and have a seat for your free caricature! You can see some of my free caricatures from last year in NUIG here. I’ll be just outside the Kingfisher Gym if the weather permits and just … Read more