Golf Themed Retirement Gift Caricature Framed and Delivered in Ireland

golf themed retirement gift caricature allan cavanagh caricature artist

Framed golf-themed caricature for a recent retirement. You can see the finished piece ready to ship below. Frames by the Framing Loft Galway, packaging and freight by Carabay Galway. I’m Allan Cavanagh and I have been professionally producing caricatures and cartoon art for over 20 years. Want to order a caricature? Click here. Want to … Read more

21st Birthday Personalised Digital Caricature

21st birthday gift caricature from photos ireland allan cavanagh

This digital caricature was a present for a 21st birthday recently. It features the birthday girl with her pet cat in front of Trinity College Dublin. Her sister is in the background holding her 21st birthday cake and she’s holding a cocktail with some of her favourite snacks beside her! The customer was very happy with this digital caricature:
“Thanks a mill Allan that’s brill and Bella the cat is so funny 😊”
My digital caricatures are just €75 and arrive straight into your email inbox. I’m booked up for July but will be taking new orders in August. You can order caricatures online here.

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Framed Caricature Art Available Again!

framed gift caricature for parents

Good news! My framed caricatures are now available again! During lockdown I had to temporarily suspend the option to get your caricature framed due to retail restrictions but we’ve figured out a safe workaround. I’m delighted to announce the framing option is back in place. All my frames are hand-made to order from high quality materials by Mark and Sandra in the Framing Loft, Tuam Road, and packaged by Carabay Packaging in Liosban, who then send the packaged framed caricature by DPD express courier.

Order framed personalised caricatures by Allan Cavanagh online here. Nationwide delivery. Framed caricatures are great gifts for paper anniversaries, birthdays, retirements, engagements, leaving gifts, and many other occasions.

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Man and Dog Caricature

man and dog caricature from photos personalised allan cavanagh

This digital caricature was a Christmas gift for the pictured chap and features his pet dog and his favourite shirt! My digital caricatures are supplied by email, have a short turnaround time (there’s no postage involved!) and can be printed yourself, or just delivered digitally (they make great avatars for social media and LinkedIn profiles). As they’re contactless they’re the perfect gift during lockdown. If you’re looking for a funny gift with a quick turnaround time drop me a line today!

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