My Generosity Knows No Bounds….

€100 note birthday caricature cartoon…Well, it’s not many people that have their own currency drawn up for their birthday, is it? That’s the great thing about caricatures– they make great last minute birthday presents! Considering I only found out it was my friend’s birthday about two hours before I saw her, that’s not bad going! I thought it looked quite good, despite the rush (and in case you were wondering, she works in a bank).
Oh, and Happy Birthday Karena!


Multi-level governance cartoon
Here are some of the images from the SPAN meetings I posted about earlier. These are from the initial meetings in 2003/2004. My role in these meetings was to capture the themes and issues of the meetings, which were otherwise quite dominated by “Eurospeak”! This cartoons will feed into the reports that the Southside Partnership will draw up for the project’s conclusion.