Barack Obama
Cartoon: Baroque Obama
From the exhibition. UPDATE: SOLD!!!
Barack Obama cartoons
The BBC has an article today on the prolonged honeymoon Barack Obama has had not only with the American people, but also political cartoonists.
“NEW YORK POST MONKEY/STIMULUS BILL CARTOON This cartoon is currently causing quite a stir in both the political realm and the blogosphere The question is, is this a racist cartoon? According to the NYT, The chimpanzee was an apparent reference to the 200-pound pet chimpanzee that was shot dead by a police officer in … Read more
The Obama Speech
So he fluffed his lines during his swearing in. His speech was workaday. His voice cracked and his body language had an edge of vunerability. Thank goodness he’s human after all.
Happy New World Day!
Or something. Yes Barack Obama has been lionised beyond measure, but sod it, I’m going to buy into it for a while. It feels kind of, nice. As for that other puke, Graham Linehan put it in some of the most eloquent poetry I’ve ever read: “Don’t let the door hit your arse on the … Read more