Wedding Invitation Artwork!
This is caricature art for a wedding invitations by me! You can order artwork by itself, but if you order a wedding signing board you get the digital artwork for free!
Unique funny caricature wedding invitation artwork created just for you by caricaturist Allan Cavanagh! Allan will work on your unique wedding invite artwork from photos you supply with details you’d like included like pets and hobbies. You can then take this artwork straight to your printers as a digital file. Contact caricature artist here for details!
This is caricature art for a wedding invitations by me! You can order artwork by itself, but if you order a wedding signing board you get the digital artwork for free!
Here are some fun caricatures I did recently for wedding invitations!
Another Irish couple in Australia here. This time the artwork was for their invitations, so they’re mounted on the groom’s motorbike, being following by their labradoodles (who have the most human-like eyes I’ve ever seen in dogs!) and they’re getting married on New Year’s Eve, hence the calendar and clock!
A piece specially commissioned for the wedding invitations! The groom is wearing an AC/DC t-shirt and is lying on the couch getting psychoanalysed by his bride to be!
I loved doing this wedding invitation caricature, great sense of fun in it! The couple are inside the engagment ring, drinking wine, with their pet pug in there for good measure! It went down a treat!