Leaving Work Changing Jobs Gift Ideas Ireland – Unique Caricature Gifts by Allan Cavanagh

leaving work changing jobs gift ideas ireland caricature art

This caricature was a leaving gift from a colleague to the chap on the left who was training to be a barber. He’s wearing a leather type barber apron, with white shirt and orange bow tie, and cutting his husband’s hair in the barber chair. Also pictured are their Bedlington Terrier and Devon Rex cat (I learn new breeds of cats and dogs every day in this job!)

If you’re interested in commissioning a unique leaving gift for a colleague who is moving on to a new job please drop me a line today or visit my order caricatures online page!

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2019 Caricature Gift Roundup

caricature gift ideas ireland allan cavanagh

Caricature gifts from 2019: I was incredibly busy in the run up to Christmas with a selection of commissions for wedding anniversaries, retirements, birthday presents, and of course Christmas presents! I usually try to blog each commission after it’s been presented to the subject but I have such a backlog of caricature work to show … Read more