Friday Cartoon: A Rift in the Lift
This week’s cartoon is an actual cartoon, you know, with moving parts, scene changes etc. Well, there’s some movement. Calling it an animation is generous. It’s more of a static, with occasional wobbles.
This week’s cartoon is an actual cartoon, you know, with moving parts, scene changes etc. Well, there’s some movement. Calling it an animation is generous. It’s more of a static, with occasional wobbles.
This caricature was a corporate gift.
I liked the touch that the customer requested of having the doctor listening to the puppy’s heart with his stethescope! Click through to find out more!
“Today we welcome Brother Tiberius to the Order of Capuchin Monks. He is of course also a capuchin monkey, but I don’t see that causing any confusion at all.”
Here’s some of the lads from Star Wars encountering a terrible pun somewhere on Tatooine. Live long and prosper, Harry! Run you fools!