The British News Cycle

boris johnson jeremy corbyn election 2019 cartoon

As Project British Self-Loathing approaches its final form this Thursday, here’s a cartoon about the news cycle “over there” featuring Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn. Did you know: in the UK you cannot be found guilty of murder if you tousle a blond wig during your trial.

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boris johnson jeremy corbyn election 2019 cartoon

Digging Corbyn’s new slogan #forthemany

Jeremy Corbyn Spock
Jeremy Corbyn Spock. For the Many, Not the Few. That’s very very reminiscent of something from Star Trek isn’t it? “Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few”. Which in turn is very close to something another Jeremy said, “it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong”. If more politicians went to Star Trek for their political philosophy maybe we’d all be holidaying on Risa by now.

Finally, a Vulcan we can believe in.