Team Caricature

team caricature gift ireland allan cavanagh

This was a gift caricature for all the team members on completion of a big project. Each team member received a copy of the caricature. Each of them is drawn doing their favourite activities, including running, clay pigeon shooting, golfing, playing tennis, GAA football, swimming and cycling! If you’re coming to the end of a big work project and want to give a caricature gift to your team drop me a line for a personalised bespoke piece of Irish caricature art!

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Birthday Gift Caricature from Photos

birthday gift caricature allan cavanagh caricatures from photos

This caricature was a birthday gift for the chap holding the basketball and it has running, cycling and horse-riding as its themes! I didn’t have any photos of his pet dog so I referenced it with paw prints which you’ll see on the ground if you look closely!

August is now booked up but I have some slots for September if you want to order a caricature in the meantime and if you’re thinking of ordering a caricature for that major holiday that begins with a C and ends with a hangover I would get in touch at the start of November at the absolute latest as slots are limited and allocated on a first come first served basis! That was a long sentence!
framed art ireland birthday gifts

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Personalised Caricatures Ireland: Cows and Kayaking!

Farmer Caricature Ireland Cow Kayak

This caricature was of a Cork farmer with his arm around one of his bovine buddies and the other arm around his kayak! He’s very into hurling and running and these are referenced with the hurl and sliothar and the muddy running shoes on the ground. In the background is the Ballycotton Lighthouse on Ballycotton Island in East Cork.
This is one of my personalised digital caricatures which cost just €75 and are delivered straight to your inbox, so there’s no waiting around on the postie to come! You can then either print them yourself or simply gift them in their digital form, especially good if it’s for someone on the other side of the world! It’s completely contactless and is the perfect gift during Covid restrictions.

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30th Birthday Personalised Digital Caricature from Photos 🎂

30th birthday personalised caricature order online

Personalised Caricature for 30th Birthday: there’s been a lot of birthdays celebrated in absentia in the last 10 months and looks like we’ll be continuing that way for a while yet. *HOWEVER* you can still reach out to that loved one on their birthday with one of my contactless digital caricatures! This one was to celebrate the 30th birthday of the subject and was a gift from one of her close friends. It features many personalised references including fitness, sport, race medals, music, favourite drinks and favourite fashions! I had a strange craving for coffee while drawing this… 🤣☕

Ordering one of my personalised digital caricatures is very easy. Once you’ve ordered there’s a short form to complete for all the details you’d like included and you just email me photos of the subject. Once it’s completed it’ll simply pop into your email inbox! From there you can print it yourself or gift it via email! As there’s no postage involved these contactless caricatures can be sent anywhere in the world. Give me a shout to find out more!

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