Farmer Gift Caricature with Family, Tractor, 2 Dogs, 4 Cats, and a Cow!

60th birthday gift caricature from photos

Farmer Gift Caricature for 60th Birthday: I drew this badminton-loving farmer in his wellies and a Liverpool scarf over his badminton club t-shirt. His family is pictured over his shoulder, and elsewhere around him are his 2 dogs, 4 cats, and a cow for good measure! I’ve also included a vintage Massey Ferguson tractor. You can see the framed version of the artwork below.

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Charlie Adley’s Double Vision – Do The Bloomin’ Weather Hokey Cokey!

barometer cartoon with elements from writer's life
Barometer cartoon from Charlie Adley’s latest Double Vision column. I really enjoyed drawing this cartoon. It’s based on a barometer that hangs in my grandparents’ house in Greencastle. I used the barometer for my project when applying for art college. I drew it many times for that project and it all came back to me when I was doing the lettering you can see on the face behind Charlie.