Galway Cartoon Festival 2020: Help Us Happen!

cartoon festival logo web 02The Galway Cartoon Festival is 4 this year. Despite the pandemic we are still planning to host a physical exhibition.
Our ability to fund-raise has been severely curtailed.

If you’ve ever enjoyed an editorial cartoon please bung us a fiver.

via Galway Cartoon Festival 2020: Help Us Happen! – Galway Cartoon Festival

The Home Truths of domestic violence

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IRISH WOMEN’S experience of, and engagement with, the courts and legal system in dealing with domestic violence and abuse, is the theme of a new exhibition at the Engage Art Studios, Salthill.

Home Truths, featuring work by Blaise Drummond, Evelyn Glynn, Alison Lowry, Áine Philips and Ruby Wallis, is part of Galway 2020’s Small Towns Big Ideas programme. The artists were commissioned to respond to women’s testimonies of their court experiences.

via – The Home Truths of domestic violence

KAVA artists explore why Earth Matters

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Earth Matters is the title of an exhibition from 13 Kinvara Area Visual Arts artists, which is currently running at the village courthouse, and which focuses on climate change. The exhibiting artists are Petra Breathnach, Fiona Cawley, Patsy Connolly, Belinda Fair, Pam Fleming, Mavis Gormally, Antoinette Hensey, Meriel Lloyd, Regina O’Dea, Julia O’Keefe, Diane Reid, Patricia Timmons, and Darryl Vance.

via – KAVA artists explore why Earth Matters